Captain Marvel Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To See

3. The Third Act Is A Blast

Captain Marvel Trailer
Marvel Studios
"It’s the last act before this film truly lives up to its potential, but at crunch time it delivers in a more satisfying way than almost any other superhero film of recent years." - Empire
"The climactic sky battle is a spectacular vision, a 'Star Wars'-style dogfight that takes place over sun-washed canyons, and Carol herself becomes a heroine suffused with light." - Variety
"The film’s busy third act would be a mess if not for its deep bench of supporting characters, who connect to each other in a number of warm and wonderful ways that make Carol seem more effective as a conduit than she is as a Captain." - IndieWire

No spoilers here, but no matter the movie's rough start, there's plenty of praise to go around for its more coherent and gathered third act, which seems to deliver both the whizz-bang action fans expect and also some great character-driven moments.

Even IndieWire's David Ehrlich, who was generally quite critical of the movie, couldn't find himself to fault the finale too much. As for how it sets the table for Endgame? We'll just have to wait and see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.