Captain Marvel Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To See

2. The Visual Effects Are Superb

Nick Fury Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios
"Like Jackson's impeccably executed de-aging, the visual effects that accompany the Skrulls and their shape-shifting transformations are all incredibly well done, with animation that blends seamlessly in with the practical effects used on the Skrulls’ natural green-skinned forms. Meanwhile, the Kree have their own style and aesthetic in the effects arena, one that’s defined by blocky spaceships and color-changing military uniforms that set them apart from both the Skrulls and the humans at a glance." - IGN
"It's simultaneously fascinating and distracting. Jackson's skin looks almost inhumanly youthful, and there is an irresistible tendency to stare at him at the expense of anything else going on in his scenes and to ponder the following issues, among others: Do you buy this? Is this the kind of performance Jackson would have given in his 40s? Is it possible this man doesn't have a single blemish?" - Hollywood Reporter

The MCU is generally all over the place when it comes to visual effects: for every mess of unfinished CGI like Black Panther, there's a startlingly imaginative and beautifully rendered triumph like Avengers: Infinity War.

Thankfully it sounds like Captain Marvel is a lot more of the latter than the former, with the lion's share of the VFX praise devoted to both the sky-high action sequences and especially the digital de-aging job carried out on Samuel L. Jackson.

Given that Jackson's Fury has a significant role in the film, it was absolutely vital that enough resources were devoted to getting it right, and clearly the effort (and money) has paid off.

Some even felt the effect was convincing to the point of distraction, where they stopped paying attention to the dialogue and story and focused on finding the imperfections in the CGI. Nice.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.