Captain Marvel Trailer 2 Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

1. It Looks A Little... Cliched?

Captain Marvel Jude Law
Marvel Studios

Now, it's dangerous to try and take too much from a trailer that is trying so hard to be a mood board establishing drama and stakes in story terms, but what we do get there looks a little rote. We already know the bones of this story (not just from the first trailer but from other rookie Chosen One movies from the 90s too) and nothing about the dynamics here (other than the aliens in disguise element) is all that new.

And worryingly, what's not new seems to have strong Green Lantern vibes.

It would be pretty foolish to accept this trailer on face value, because there's obviously a lot of messing around going on, but the issue with that is that there's a duty of expectation with a teaser like this. As the second trailer - and for a film with the marketing requirements of Captain Marvel, in particular - it should be firmly establishing what the film is.

Can you honestly say you look at this trailer and know what to expect? That's not a terrible thing, but it's also not all that great. This is a new property for most people and it has a burden of expectation from Marvel's side - which is why they've gone so heavy on building Marvel's mythology and powers - but that would have been well-served if they'd been a little more coherent.

And now onto the positives...


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