Captain Marvel Trailer 2 Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs


7. It Doesn't Really Spoil Too Much

Captain Marvel trailer Carol Danvers crash injured
Marvel Studios

For all the story elements that we know - Carol Danvers arriving back on Earth having been empowered by the Kree to become one of them and going on a journey to discover herself and uncover the Skrull invasion of Earth on a road-trip with Nick Fury - there's a fair bit still left to say about this story.

We don't know Danvers' backstory (or how she loses her memories), we don't know the nature of her power, who the real villain is, who Jude Law is playing or how Nick Fury loses his eye, so there's still a LOT to be said.

It wouldn't at all be surprising if there's some serious misdirection going on here too. Think about it: this is a film inherently about duplicitousness and subterfuge. Why wouldn't the trailer be trying to trick us into presuming certain things? Why wouldn't they want us to believe Jude Law is actually the villain? Why wouldn't they want us to believe the good/evil binary divide between Kree and Skrull is as simple as it appears on the surface?

If that then messes with our expectations against what the truth is, then it fits with the idea of Skrulls in disguise.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.