Captain Marvel Trailer 2 Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

6. A Different (De-Aged) Nick Fury

Nick Fury Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

One of the most exciting prospects of Captain Marvel is seeing already established characters in a new light. So we're going to get to see Ronan The Accused before there was even an allegation and Nick Fury when he was more Nick Mild-Mannered. Even Phil Coulson might get some more detail (though he doesn't appear to be in this a great deal from the trailers).

The new Fury in particular is very exciting, because we're essentially getting 1990s Samuel L Jackson back and we'll be treated to a character arc for him rather than him existing as a sort of personified principle of virtue. To date, Fury has been an idea as much as The Avengers was an idea and this film shows him before that point. Before the gruff demeanour, before the cynicism, before the eye. But then having your face clawed to ribbons by a cat (possibly) will do that to anyone.

Captain marvel Goose Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

And wonderfully, the de-aging technology used to smooth Jackson out a little is really, really great all the way through. It shows no signs of Tarkin-itis at all. But then it wouldn't, since Marvel already did it so well with Michael Douglas in Ant-Man and Robert Downey Jr in Civil War.


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