Captain Marvel Trailer 2 Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

4. Huge Stakes

Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Though the music is a little underwhelming and there's the faintest whiff of forced melodrama, there's no doubting the escalation in here in terms of the threat. This is no small-scale Avengers interval movie like Ant-Man And The Wasp presented itself to be: this is war and the wager is the fate of the universe, by the look of it.

Not only are there intergalactic battle sequences (again, let's put a pin in that temporarily), but the whole agenda of the trailer is to set up a world (and a universe) teetering and in need of someone strong enough and wilful enough to fix it. The parallel there to what Thanos would later become on the timeline is impossible to ignore and that's the expression here between the lines: it sets up a great battle in Avengers 4 when Marvel reveals herself to the Infinity War survivors.


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