Captain Marvel Trailer 2 Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

3. Limiting Ben Mendehlsohn Is Smart

Captain Marvel ben Mendehlsohn
Marvel Studios

Nobody could reasonably claim that Ben Mendehlsohn is not a joy to watch when he's in full character flow, but Marvel have the slight issue of proximity to deal with in this trailer.

Australia's premium exporter of Hollywood villainy - a status which has seen him quickly become the go-to guy for thoroughly reprehensible baddies in recent years - knows how to play it bad and he's pretty joyfully living the typecasting. Unfortunately, the last time he did so was in Robin Hood, which is still in cinemas and is a steaming pile of garbage.

Now, Mendehlsohn is not particularly bad in it (the issue is with the script, not the delivery), but that was a massive, inevitable flop and it's a bit of a shame to have to market another film in which he's the villain when there's one stinking the place up already. It's all about perception and limiting how much he appears is a very smart idea.


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