Casey Affleck: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

3. Rodney Baze Jr. - Out Of The Furnace (2013)

Affleck€™s turn as wayward Baze brother Rodney in the criminally-underrated Out Of The Furnace was a searing, intense performance that is also often unfairly overlooked. The plot follows a US war vet who runs afoul of some white trash gangsters in his blue collar town when he refuses to take a dive in a bare-knuckle boxing fight. The whole film was upstaged by Affleck in one blistering tirade where he loses his sh*t at big brother Christian Bale, still reeling from his experiences in the War on Terror, and angry at his inability to acquire honest work back after serving his country for so long. Few films have featured such authentic, lived-in portrayals of PTSD and it€™s a testament to Casey Affleck€™s acting technique that he sells it so well.

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.