Casting Robert Pattinson's Rogues Gallery In The Batman

4. Bane - Dave Bautista

Oscar Isaac Two Face Joker

Since the announcement of James Gunn's move to DC to direct and write The Suicide Squad, many people have assumed Dave Bautista, who played Drax in Gunn's Guardian's of the Galaxy films, would follow him. Batista himself has said he wants to join Gunn and a role that seems almost made for him is the legendary Batman villain, Bane.

The most obvious comparison is their physique, as Bautista is more than big and strong enough to play the man who broke the bat. As well as this, many portrayals of Bane have seen him originate from wrestling, much like how Bautista started in the WWE before transitioning to acting.

Though Bautista may not be able to outdo Tom Hardy's fantastic performance as Bane, he would be a great presence in Gunn's Suicide Squad and would hopefully be able to provide a challenge for Pattinson's Batman to overcome.

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The Batman
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I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.