Casting Star Trek: The Next Generation Reboot

8. Wesley Crusher - Tom Holland

Tom Hardy Patrick Stewart Picard Star Trek Next Generation
Marvel Studios

Ah, Wesley Crusher. The young, scientific genius who had big hopes about saving the galaxy. If only there was a young actor who could play such a character.

Well, considering Wesley Crusher is basically Peter Parker in space, there's always Tom Holland.

He's already shown he can play intelligent and likeable characters, and with his wealth of experience in massive blockbuster franchises, handling Star Trek should be no trouble. At least the Romulans never threatened to wipe out half the universe.

While Holland may arguably be a little old for the role, this may play to the show's benefit, as an older, cockier Wesley would be great as a comedic foil for the rest of the crew.

Puberty's hard, after all, but it's even harder when you're confined in a floating box with the space military.

While part of TNG's charm lies in its visionary nature, with humanity having grown out of its infancy, it would be an intriguing change to see a character that's less than perfect, and the young and impressionable Crusher would be the best choice for that. With his recent role in The Devil All The Time Holland has shown he's up to the task.


English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.