Charlize Theron: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

3. Mary Embrey - Hancock (2008)

Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures

Hancock shares something with Theron's lead character in Young Adult in that it peaks way too early. Unlike its temporary bedfellow, there's no going back (not even a similar pretence of change and evolution) because there's no epiphany moment.

What started as a deliciously dark sounding post-superhero movie ended up being robbed of its teeth by a total switch in direction that reimagined Hancock's anti-hero as a love sick immortal puppy pining for his other half (Theron).

Again, perhaps it's cruel to lay the blame for the entire thing at Theron's feet, but her performance, which goes from authentically human to believably villainous to annoyingly sappy in the space of about 40 minutes, is very much endemic of the problems. Everything just ends up feeling inadequate, and the shift in Theron's character is so ridiculous and so out of nowhere that it's hard not to dislike the entire performance.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.