Chevy Chase: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Nick Halloway €“ Memoirs Of An Invisible Man (1992)

Give the man some credit, though. He was totally slumming it in Spies Like Us €“ everybody was totally slumming it in Spies Like Us €“ but he did try different things every so often as well. It's just that when he did, they were equally ill-fated, despite having a similar quantity of talent on board. In this case, the masterful John Carpenter (Escape From New York, Halloween) directed Chase in Memoirs Of An Invisible Man, loosely based on a 1987 sci-fi novel of the same name by HF Saint. It attempts to be a mix of drama, comedy, science fiction and thriller, with Chase starring as stock analyst who starts turning invisible. It doesn't work. It might've worked with the original set up, as a more straight comedy with Ghostbusters' Ivan Reitman directing from a script by genius William Goldman, but everybody hated each other. The finished film ended up being much more Chase's baby, a tonal mess where he struggles to deal with the more dramatic scenes.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at