Chick Flicks: 10 Feminist Friendly Blockbuster Movies

9. Prometheus

2 copy While it will never be an iconic feminist movie like parent film Alien, Prometheus has some pretty strong feminist themes. It has a female lead character who is not alone in a sea of men. Prometheus has two different and equally brilliant female characters and themes of reproduction and women€™s rights are present even if they are masked by the existence of very Freudian aliens. Prometheus deals with themes of abortion and the right to choose, as we see Noomi Rapace€™s character, Shaw, struggle to abort her gross, dangerous, alien baby, an event that David doesn€™t want to happen and tries very hard to prevent. This event parallels the real world of men trying to control a woman€™s right to choose as well as the state of female reproductive rights, the availability of them, and the (male) politicians making decisions about this issue. Prometheus is not a perfect feminist movie, it is not as brilliant as Alien in this theme or as a movie. It was an interesting watch however, had some very feminist themes and didn€™t make me angry.
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Mary spends more time watching movies, TV, and reading comics than she spends doing schoolwork. She hopes that somehow this will lead her to success anyways. Mary hopes to work in the entertainment industry when she actually manages to get a job.