Chick Flicks: 10 Feminist Friendly Blockbuster Movies

6. Alien

5 copy Alien and its sequels were pioneers in the field of feminist blockbusters. Alien was a very important event as it gave us a female helmed horror-sci-fi movie, something not seen before. Ripley is brilliant because she was the lead and even helmed three sequels. Even fewer in numbers than movies having strong female characters are franchises starring strong female characters. Recently Alien has come under fire for not being as feminist as first thought, but I think we need to look at its impact. The very fact that this film exists was empowering, especially at the time it was first released where there was truly nothing like it before. Alien showed that you could have a strong female character, in a lead role, in a blockbuster and it could be a good movie. Ripley was a role model for young girls, being one of very few women at the time who promoted an image of strength and leadership. Alien was an important feminist movie for the time and paved the way for future ones.
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Mary spends more time watching movies, TV, and reading comics than she spends doing schoolwork. She hopes that somehow this will lead her to success anyways. Mary hopes to work in the entertainment industry when she actually manages to get a job.