Chris Nolan 2017: 10 Movies He Might Direct Next

2. Memento Reboot

Bear with me on this one. Yes, the idea of remaking Memento is a horrifying prospect. When AMBI Pictures picked up the rights to Christopher Nolan€™s breakthrough feature, the internet €“ myself included €“ let out an audible sigh of disappointment. However, if someone has to remake Memento€ who€™s the one person you would trust? Surely, Christopher Nolan. Imagine for a minute that AMBI Pictures have somehow convinced Chris to revisit his cult classic memory-themed crime drama. It wouldn€™t be the first time that a director has remade his own film, after all. Today, in the age of the internet, smart phones and social media, a story like Memento's would look very different to the film we got in the year 2000. Perhaps, with that in mind, Nolan has a new unique vision of the film that he wants to get made. In that case, would we all give the idea of a Memento remake a bit less hatred? OK, this one seems like a very, very long shot. Not least because Nolan€™s next film, as we€™ve said many times, is said to be a Warner Bros production. Unless they€™re secretly working with a much smaller company, AMBI Pictures, for some reason, we can rule this one out altogether (at least for the immediate future).

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.