Chris Nolan 2017: 10 Movies He Might Direct Next

3. Boba Fett

With Bond, Batman and his own original properties already covered by this article, there€™s only really one big franchise possibility that hasn€™t been covered €“ Star Wars. It€™s worth noting that - although Episode VIII, Episode IX, Rogue One and the Han Solo movie already have creative teams attached - the mooted Boba Fett movie doesn€™t have a director, or even a screenwriter, at this stage. Christopher Nolan has taken on a beloved character before (a chap called Batman), brought him back from the brink of ridicule (thanks to a chap called Joel Schumacher) and delivered a $2 billion grossing trilogy of movies. Resurrecting Boba Fett€™s cinematic career €“ after he left Return Of The Jedi in an embarrassing fashion, and failed to inspire much audience interest in the prequels €“ is arguably a similar job. Christopher Nolan, then - perhaps with the help of his regular writing partner/full-time brother Jonathan Nolan €“ is seemingly the perfect man for the job. Admittedly the Boba Fett movie isn€™t expected until 2020, so, even if Nolan did make it, this wouldn€™t be his next movie. As far as we know, that€™ll be a Warner Bros production. Still, we can dream, right?

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.