Chris Nolan's Dunkirk Trailer: 8 Reactions You Need To Know

2. Heavy-Drama Artillery

Dunkirk Flight
Warner Bros.

There’s a serious issue whose deeper connotations Nolan fans regularly overlook: he is just way too intellectual. He won’t make a comedy or a romantic comedy ever (according to him), and keeps finding drawbacks when it comes to handle sentimental manifestations in a scene. His are the thrills, mind-blowing affairs, technical virtuosity, special effects, convoluted storylines, but not yet what’s in between them, what his characters avoid most of the time. Thereby, filming a movie where people expect to connect with soldiers beyond the Nazi threat, because they’ll probably stare at them for two hours and those hours won’t be only shots and explosions (probably), without getting mawkish, seems something dangerously close to a shipwreck.

Just hear what Kenneth Branagh says at the end of the trailer. Sounds like three calls of pan-pan.


Iskander Gaffigan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.