Chris Nolan's Dunkirk Trailer: 8 Reactions You Need To Know

3. Three Wrecked Ships - With Styles Or Stylized?

Dunkirk Flight
Warner Bros.

As always, real trouble starts from here: Twitter. After the trailer was released, social networks flooded with concern. Was it because of those poor soldiers? Nope. Or at least not completely. It was because young trooper Harry Styles showed up struggling for his life at the bottom of the ocean, victim of a seemingly cheap lifejacket.

This is just the earliest example of what his presence can do to the film. It’s not him; he can prove to be a solvent actor (or even more); it’s his fame, and above all the maniac love he inspires in youngsters. Dunkirk could stop being Dunkirk and turn into Saving Private Harry, or at very least fill cinemas with annoying screams. In any case, this situation points at one direction and one direction only, and it doesn’t look precisely good.


Iskander Gaffigan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.