Chris Nolan's Movies Ranked Worst To Best

8. The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan Tenet
Warner Bros.

The Dark Knight Rises, while being the weakest film in the trilogy, is still a strong entry in Christopher Nolan's catalogue. The visuals are outstanding, with special mention required for the opening plane heist. The central story is a little weaker than the previous two films, though the performances on show do bring the film up a little.

There are cheesey moments. John 'Robin' Blake was far more ham-fisted than we had come to expect from Nolan, and Marion Cotillard's death scene left a LOT to be desired.

However, the film capitalized on the emotional build up of the first two movies, with Tom Hardy's Bane becoming another iconic villain for the rogue's gallery. A welcome cameo from Liam Neeson helps tie the trilogy together, though to be fair the film's ending does let it down a little bit. Why would a man, known throughout the world to have just quite publicly died, be sitting enjoying coffee at a public cafe? We can only guess.

The Dark Knight Rises is a strong film on its own feet, while being a nice, if a little contrived, closing to the Dark Knight saga. To say it isn't as good as The Dark Knight, well - that's a very high bar to aim for!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick