Christopher Walken: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Batman Returns - Max Shreck

batman Even as a kid, when asked my favourite Batman villain I would always say Batman Returns' Max Shreck. Walken stars as sociopathic business mogul and employer/attempted-murderer of Selina Kyle (Catwoman). It's a testament to Walken's skill as a performer that even amongst all these iconic Batman characters - he as one of the few original creations is the real standout. Walken brings a ruthless energy to the role of the cut-throat industrialist and his unconventional style is perfect match with the Gothic qualities in Burton's Batman universe. Walken is at his best in the imposing sequence where he threatens Selina Kyle after she uncovers the true nature behind his plans to build a power plant in Gotham. She mousily notes "It's not like you can just kill me," to which Shreck claims "Actually, it's a lot like that" and throws her from the window. Just picture Max as Donald Trump on acid.

Student. Generally obsessed with all things film, television and pop music. Worshiper of John Waters, Stock-Aitken-Waterman, and awful Madonna films. You can find me on Twitter at @AndrewSMcArthur.