Cold Pursuit Review: 7 Ups & 1 Down
1. Laura Dern Is Totally Wasted

It's fair to say that the film's big weakness is its fairly piecemeal treatment of pretty much every female character - save perhaps for the feisty cop played by Emmy Rossum - and this is no more apparent than with the totally throwaway presence of Laura Dern.
The legendary actress has a small role in the first act of the film as Nelson Coxman's (Neeson) wife Grace, but shortly after their son is murdered in the opening minutes of the film, she takes off and...that's it.
One suspects more material may have been shot and cut for pacing reasons, because otherwise it's tough to imagine why a performer of Dern's repute would take such a thankless role.
But with this single issue out of the way, here are the many, many things Cold Pursuit gets right...