Colin Farrell: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

2. American Outlaws (2001)

Right out of the Tigerland gate, Farrell immediately rode a bolt of lightning to the tippy-top of Hollywood€™s A-list. He was lucky though, for despite a terrific performance in Schumacher€™s Vietnam flick he landed himself in this horse apple of a movie pretty much directly afterwards. And it€™s bad; so bad in fact it could have been a career-ender. Farrell plays the famous outlaw Jesse James as though he was an American frat boy sent back in time, and it€™s painful to watch him fail so hard in the boots of such a famous Wild West icon. Taking some despicable lengths in revising the history it€™s based on, the whole movie is trying to be a modern Young Guns, and if you thought that was a bad film, just wait until you€™ve had this drivel inflicted on your eyes.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.