Colin Firth: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Mark Darcy - Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason

Just for the sake of symmetry, opposite the 'awesome' performance in the first film, here is the 'awful' performance in the sequel. Actually, it's not a sequel. It's a remake. And a bloody awful one at that. It's not as though the leads don't try their best, it's just that it must have been clear from the script that this was a shadow of the first film. When you take a photocopy of a photocopy, the image isn't as good. This is Firth's performance here. Faded black and white. It's a bad cover version of his own good work in the first film. Again, those glazed eyes appear. The voice goes up a few notes and, by and large, he sleepwalks through the film, even when rescuing our Madonna-singing heroine from a Thai prison. Oh, and guess what Mark Darcy does after that? Have a fight with Hugh Grant. It's the rematch no-one wanted to see. Also, I can only assume Firth is sleepwalking through the film because most of the characters are so annoying that if he was even vaguely aware of this, he would have married his new colleague Rebecca and left the country so they could all rot. Too much? Maybe, but with the threat of a third film we can only be thankful that Helen Fielding has killed off Mark Darcy.

Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at, and