Colin Firth: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Harry Deane - Gambit

There was so much good spirit towards this film when it was getting made. Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz and Alan Rickman in a remake of the 1966 Shirley MacLaine and Michael Caine caper movie. Hell, even the Coens scripted it. However, when those two great film-makers pass the script on to Michael Hoffman (previous best film? One Fine Day with George Clooney in the days where he wanted to be James Stewart) you know there's something wrong. This is a comedic heist movie with no comedy and no tension, and that takes some doing. Just as the great cast in The King's Speech helped Firth to his best performance, here we have a group of actors phoning it in and therefore, so does our Colin. Cameron Diaz has never been as nauseous as here playing an OTT rodeo queen PJ Puznowski. Alan Rickman looks like he's looked in the mirror and realised he's not Hans Gruber anymore and Firth? Well, his dishevelled appearance on the poster must only be because he tried to escape the set and got dragged back by the producers.

Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at, and