Comic-Con 2015: 10 Movie Announcements That Would Make It The Best Ever

8. Jurassic World 2

Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World has just had a record breaking opening weekend with a haul of over $500 million worldwide, and while Universal Pictures no doubt have their finger hovering above a button to send out a press release announcing a sequel, holding that back to Comic-Con would be much better. An online announcement is soon forgotten, but making a big deal out of a follow-up at this annual event would generate a lot more buzz. It could also give those involved with the follow-up - Trevorrow has confirmed that he won't direct, but may write it - the chance to reveal a few plot details too, a must after Jurassic World dropped at least a few hints about what might be to come in a possible sequel. By the time Comic-Con rolls around, there's also a very good chance that Jurassic World will have reached the $1 billion mark at the box office, and that is something the studio will no doubt want to make a point of highlighting. The success of the fourth instalment of the franchise has shown that there's still a lot of interest in exploring a world where dinosaurs are roaming the Earth, and a sequel announcement may even end up stealing the show!
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.