Comic-Con 2015: 10 Movie Announcements That Would Make It The Best Ever

4. Who Is Playing Green Lantern Anyway?

Right now, the only member of the Justice League who hasn't been cast is Green Lantern. The chances of the Emerald Knight showing up in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice are getting slimmer by the day, and after the first movie to feature this character bombed, his fans are obviously anxious to find out what's next for the ring wielding superhero. Unlike characters such as Batman and Superman, Warner Bros. could head in any number of directions when it comes to Green Lantern because so many different men have served in that role over the years. Hal Jordan - who is a founding member of the Justice League in the comic books - being their pick is no sure thing, as Kyle Rayner and John Stewart are very likely candidates (Guy Gardner is a long shot, as is newbie Simon Baz unfortunately). Revealing both the actor who will be playing Green Lantern and the identity of the man beneath the mask is a must. It's understandable that Warner Bros. are being cautious with the property, but he needs to be shown as being just as important as the rest of his follow Justice League members if they want moviegoers to take him seriously this time around. Of course, it would be an interesting twist if Ryan Reynolds was brought out on stage...
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SDCC 2015
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.