Comic-Con 2015: 10 Movie Announcements That Would Make It The Best Ever

5. Green Lantern Is Coming To Arrow

This is more of a TV announcement than a movie one, but the news that Hal Jordan will appear in season four of Arrow would still potentially have an impact on Warner Bros.' plans for the character. Both Arrow and The Flash have featured mentions of Ferris Air and a missing pilot, while Oliver Queen was seen heading to Hal's home of Coast City in the finale. Season four's flashbacks could put the spotlight on Hal in the past, before he returns in the present day with his Green Lantern Corps ring. The Flash has shown just how great small screen special effects are for the types of characters most fans previously thought would never work on TV, and a Green Lantern show on The CW could be just what's needed to restore faith in Green Lantern after the disastrous 2011 movie and before the reboot. A lot of fans are going to be disappointed if the hints strewn throughout both shows end up having no meaning, and announcing Green Lantern's arrival in this small DC pocket universe (neither show takes place in the same world as Batman V Superman) might just be exactly what Arrow needs after its take on Ra's al Ghul fell a little flat in the show's third season.
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SDCC 2015
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.