Comic Con 2016: 8 Awesome Moments We Need To See

4. Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 Footage

Spider Man Comic Con
Entertainment Weekly/Marvel

James Gunn has confirmed that The Guardians will be making their much anticipated return to the halls of Comic Con this weekend. The first film was an enormous success and had only been shooting for a matter days before Marvel showed a full trailer to the packed Hall H. With principle photography completed on the sequel, expect to see a full blown trailer here.

The new look team was revealed in concept art by Andy Parks last week, yet there are still a vast number of questions to be answered. Who is Kurt Russell playing? Is Sylvester Stallone actually in the movie? Just who is the bad guy?! And maybe most importantly of all, how does this tie in to the ongoing tapestry that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Expect some of these questions to be answered at the Marvel Studios Panel on Saturday.


Ben Holliday is a features writer and film critic for What Culture, Heroic Hollywood, Den of Geek and The London Economic. As an artist he has worked on various projects for Maverick Media, Bauer Media, Image Comics and Valiant Entertainment amongst others.