Comic Con 2016: 8 Awesome Moments We Need To See

3. A Full Wonder Woman Trailer

Spider Man Comic Con
Warner Bros.

Whilst Batman v Superman saw one of the more mixed receptions of a film in recent memory (more on that later), Wonder Woman was unanimously the stand out of the Zack Snyder directed epic. Warner Brothers are taking a huge risk with a period setting as the next outing for the Amazonian Princess, but if done well could provide a welcome relief from the glut of similar looking comic book movies on the horizon. Trench warfare has never looked so good.

Gal Gadot reprises her role as Diana Prince and finds herself thrust into mans world during the worst days of World War I with a huge decision to make - stand idly by and watch, or intervene in mans affairs for the first time in centuries. A cookie to whoever guesses which route she'll take. With an all star cast including Chris Pine, Robin Wright and Danny Huston, this is one of the most anticipated releases for next year.

Warner Brothers kick off the Hall H panels on Saturday morning and there is next to no doubt they'll be showcasing the only hero to make it out of Batman V Superman unscathed. Wonder Woman is an icon and if the brief footage show in DC's Justice League special a few months ago is anything to go by, Comic Con goers are in for a treat.


Ben Holliday is a features writer and film critic for What Culture, Heroic Hollywood, Den of Geek and The London Economic. As an artist he has worked on various projects for Maverick Media, Bauer Media, Image Comics and Valiant Entertainment amongst others.