Dark Phoenix Trailer: 9 Reasons To Be Worried

7. Magneto Goes Evil...Again

Dark Phoenix Magneto Michael Fassbender

Here's a new trick for the X-Men franchise: Magneto is dragged back out of whatever hole he's hiding in to combat a threat to both human and mutant-kind, but somewhere along the way he decides to use the event to his own malevolent gain, driving a wedge between himself and Charles Xavier.

This is, of course, Erik Lehnsherr's core arc in almost every single X-Men movie, and depressingly, Dark Phoenix appears to be replicating it once again without any sense of self-awareness whatsoever.

Considering that Magneto basically crippled the world in Apocalypse and killed tens if not hundreds of millions of people, to have him playing the chaotic neutral card once again at the start of the movie is utterly absurd.

Michael Fassbender is great in the role, but from what the trailer shows us, it seems likely his talents will be largely squandered in another unimaginative rehash. Yawn.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.