Dave Grohl's Sound City: 6 Reasons It's The First Essential Movie Of 2013

2. The Reviews

Sound City 3 It's not a simple thing to make a music documentary, and for every Searching For Sugarman and Anvil: The Story Of Anvil, there are countless docs that never see the light of day until years after their creation on a cable channel that transient audiences stumble upon. But it seems that Sound City has far more commercial appeal than even those two examples quoted above (and both are stellar achievements.) That's going on the reviews of the doc that have appeared out of Sundance festival, where the film has shown. Below are a number of the most impressive reviews, and note, they come from the most trustworthy of sources - if these titans of criticism say it's good, chances are it's bloody good... Film School Rejects: Grohl creates a compelling and personal documentary that is both educational and inspiring, reminding audiences it is the love of creating exciting music that makes the ups and downs of the music industry worth it. Grohl does not simply tell you why Sound City was important, he takes you through the studio€™s journey and after hearing all the different and groundbreaking albums recorded there (and seeing the artists clamoring to have a chance to record on that board again), he shows that the studio was an important part of music history.Slashfilm: The final sequence, with McCartney, is pure and electric. Seeing the 70-year old Beatle dominate a room filled with the surviving Nirvana roster is beautiful.Hollywood Reporter:An exhilarating history of the studio that spawned countless rock classics, not to mention a welcome reminder to aspiring musicians to step away from the laptop once in a while.Daily Telegraph: The film is an exhilarating exploration of the creative process. Grohl has secured exceptional access to musicians normally secretive about their working methods. The biggest coup was a session with Paul McCartney.

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