David Lynch: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

5. Wild at Heart (1990)

dvd_wild Nic Cage and Laura Dern and Wizard of Oz and True Romance (which obviously took influences) x Acid = Wild at Heart. The film takes you on a journey that has coherence but drip feeds you with Lynchian style. You get Willem Dafoe with grotesque fake teeth wearing a pair of tights over his head, a heavy rock band stopping to play a slow dance Elvis track, a ridiculous prosthetic nose on Nicholas Cage, a lingering ECU shot of Laura Dern€™s sick, a lesson from her on (and off) screen Mother on how not to apply lipstick, some really gratuitous sex scenes and the most hilarious/horrific decapitation scene this side of The Omen€™s sheet glass. This film has an ironically sweet ending, one that makes you feel like you are stuck in a dream, a dream created by its central characters despite the reality you feel lies beneath - a theme running sinisterly throughout most Lynch work. This one is odd but certainly not too surreal that you have to repeat watch to get a grasp of its narrative/lack of narrative and themes. If you want to get to know Lynch, but you aren€™t quite ready for his extreme measures, then you could do far worse than to begin with this. The Severed Ear Scale of Madness: 3/5

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...