DC Extended Universe: Predicting The Plots Of 10 Announced Movies

8. Wonder Woman (2017)

In a nutshell, Wonder Woman will be an origin story. The likelihood is that it will be set in the 1920s, on Wonder Woman's home of Themyscira AKA Paradise Island. There will be chaos, as rival factions from the island will go to war over who has political control, which will probably make up a bulk of the action scenes. However, amidst the chaos, two Wonder Woman villains from the comic books - Ares and Circe - will look to exploit the situation and launch an attack. Ares, while extremely tough himself, will probably be the brains behind the operation and Wonder Woman and Circe will have the final battle. The unexpected arrival of a stranded Steve Trevor - a U.S. military intelligence officer and long-time love interest of Wonder Woman - will coincide with the chaos to give the movie a romantic sub-plot. The movie will end with Wonder Woman heading to the United States of America with Trevor, where she will encounter a culture that wasn't exactly high on gender equality in the 1920s, but she will learn to integrate (which is why she will appear in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as a seemingly normal member of modern American society) and only use her powers when absolutely necessary.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.