DC FanDome: 10 Major New Details About The Future Of The DCEU Revealed

8. Shazam! 2 Gets A Title And James Wan Shares An Aquaman 2 Update

Black Adam Dwayne Johnson
Warner Bros.

There were brief panels for both Shazam! and Aquaman during DC FanDome and, for the most part, they were just fluff. However, there was a few exciting reveals looking ahead to the sequels for both movies, with Shazam himself, Zachary Levi, confirming that the sequel is going to be titled Shazam! Fury of the Gods.

The prevailing theory thus far has been that the "Marvel Family" will be battling Mister Mind and Dr. Sivana's Monster Society of Evil, but this title points to a story with even higher stakes than that. Unfortunately, it still seems a little early for the team to cross paths with Black Adam!

During the Aquaman panel, director James Wan confirmed that Patrick Wilson will reprise his role as Arthur Curry's half-brother after Orm's defeat at the end of the first movie. Surprisingly, Jason Momoa was nowhere to be seen, but the filmmaker did hint that his sequel is a "little bit more serious, a little bit more relevant to the world right now. I can definitely promise you new worlds in this one."


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.