DCEU: 10 Characters Who Must Appear (And Who Should Play Them)

4. Booster Gold - Boyd Holbrook

Green Lantern DC Casting

Much like Mister Miracle, thanks to Tom King, Booster Gold has had a bit of resurgence as of late - with his starring roles in a recent Batman arc and also the ongoing Heroes in Crisis.

Michael Jon Carter is from 25th century Gotham City, becoming a superhero after stealing several artefacts from a museum in Metropolis, his original goal being to travel back to the 20th century and earn a comfortable living for himself. However, after the death of his sister, Gold began to take crime-fighting more seriously.

In regards as to who should play him, Boyd Holbrook would be fantastic. The actor's previous performances have displayed how great he is as portraying the arrogance that dominated Gold's initial appearances and following Holbrook's villainous role in the excellent Logan, seeing him in a more heroic light would be a welcome change from his previously rather menacing character.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!