DCEU: 10 Superhero Films DC HAVE To Make

7. Deadman

Green Lantern Corps John Stewart
DC Comics

The concept of a dead superhero hunting down his own killer legitimately sounds like the plot to a film we've all seen before. Add in a teaspoon of crazy cosmic entities, a dash of dynamic and unique fight scenes, and just a drizzle of angst, and the sole reason a Deadman film hasn’t been made yet becomes because nobody has thought of it yet.

Admittedly, there is a chance that such a film has been avoided because Boston’s ability to possess people may be considered overpowered right now for the film universe.

However, when compared to the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman, a guy who can do cool flips and maybe posses someone doesn’t seem that all-powerful.

Either way, having some heroes whose powers don’t just equal fighting prowess seems like the natural move in creating a more diverse film cast.


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