DCEU: Ranking The Batgirl Actress Shortlist From Worst To Best

8. Elle Fanning

Katherine Waterson Batgirl
Amazon Studios

Known For: Maleficent, Super 8, The Neon Demon.

At one point in time, Elle Fanning seemed doomed to forever live in her sister's shadow, but lately, she's usurped Dakota to become the more prolific of the two sisters, moving away from roles in the family movies that defined her early career and onto more adult pictures like The Beguiled and The Neon Demon.

This transition was a fantastic choice and Elle has definitely shown she can handle complex material, but she just doesn't seem like superhero material. She's got an angelic, frail, almost vulnerable quality about her and it's hard to imagine the actress kicking ass while dressed like a bat.

Chances Of Her Being Cast: Fanning is one of those names that's floated around every single time a young female actress is needed to fill a role, such is the prolific nature of her name. She's had experiences on a variety of movies, from indie to blockbuster, and would no doubt be able to comfortably slip into the DCEU.

However, the fact that Whedon wants an unknown actress would appear to rule her out, and since Wonder Woman - which was led by a relatively unknown actress - was such a success, we can see Warner Bros backing him up with that decision. 3/10

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