DCEU: Ranking The Batgirl Actress Shortlist From Worst To Best

5. Haley Lu Richardson

Katherine Waterson Batgirl
STX Entertainment

Known For: Split, The Edge Of Seventeen, Columbus.

A year ago, nobody had heard of Haley Lu Richardson, but with the box-office success of Split and the critical acclaim of The Edge Of Seventeen, her star is quickly rising.

Split didn't really demand all that much of her, but her performance in the former was strong, and she proved that she's a likeable screen presence.

She doesn't have a ton of film experience, but has shown she's comfortable working on high-profile projects - like Split - and her turn in Columbus is generating some early awards buzz after screening at Sundance.

Chances Of Her Being Cast: Richardson does seem a bit too 'girl next door' to play Batgirl (especially in the dark, gritty DCEU), but Columbus proves she has the necessary chops, and since she's rapidly gaining more and more attention, capitalizing on that by placing her in a blockbuster would be a smart move on Warner Bros' part. 6/10

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