DCEU'S Nightwing Movie: 10 Mistakes It Must Avoid

2. Making Tonnes Of References

Nightwing 133 Past
DC Comics

Since Man of Steel jumpstarted the DCEU in 2013, it's felt as though the universe (as a whole) has been pretty desperate to namedrop, hint at or shine a light to various aspects of the DC Universe.

That's fine... to a degree. The problem is that most of these references have felt very on the nose and distracting in places. BVS was notorious for including a litany of Easter Eggs to events gone by (and even those yet to come), and it just seemed to exacerbate the film's already saturated plot. Nightwing shouldn't be afraid to pay the odd reference now and then, maybe even with the odd allusion to famous events from the comics, but not to the extent BVS did.

The problem Warner have here is that they're desperate to fill the gaps left by their choice for Batman. The decision to focus on an older, surlier, Miller-esque version of the character has left a massive history uncovered, and Warner - left frustrated by the potential of that timeline - are equally keen to explore it.

If Nightwing's a prequel, the problem lies in what it chooses to address. If it's set into the future, then it's the old reference-heavy script that'll be causing issues. Here's hoping they can resist temptation and just set out to tell a compelling story without all the needless add-ons.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.