DCEU'S Nightwing Movie: 10 Mistakes It Must Avoid

3. Allowing The Daredevil Comparisons

Nightwing New 52
DC Comics

The thing about Nightwing is that he fights very similarly to Daredevil. Both use billy clubs (or Escrima sticks) in their combat, both tend to duke it out with villains steeped in martial arts knowledge, and they've both sported a red and black getup in the past as well.

Comparisons are made all the more easy by the fact that DD, despite very much being his own character and one who's very, very different to Grayson, beat the DC hero to the live action realm with a thoroughly enjoyable Netflix series. Like the Nightwing flick, which promises to diverge from CG and go for a more practical feel, the series found recognition for its gritty and authentic action sequences, set to the backdrop of a very gothic looking Hell's Kitchen.

The links are there for all to see, but it's a challenge McKay et al. should relish. By placing emphasis on Dick's, well... Dick-esque qualities, Warner can subvert expectations and ensure that those comparisons are left at the door. The more authentic the film, the better the chance it'll stand on its own two feat, in that sense.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.