DCEU'S Nightwing Movie: 10 Mistakes It Must Avoid
6. ...Tying It Too Heavily To Batman
On the other hand, it's also important that the film doesn't root itself too heavily in the Bat-mythos - lest it turn into a Bat-heavy bonanza of Dark Knight themed references.
Batman is a fairly pervasive example of DC iconography. The character, bolstered by a legion of dedicated fans, maintains a presence in comics, gaming, TV and film - point being that you don't have to look far to get a dose of Bat-centric media.
The thing is that Nightwing, while indeed a Batman property, is a separate entity within that sphere. Entire story-arcs have been told where Batman barely gets a mention, let alone an appearance, and it's a tenet the film should carry forward. Granted, Batman sells, and the character could be used as a way of marketing the film to audiences, but it'd be best to keep his presence to a minimum.