Deadpool: 10 Biggest Questions For The X-Men Universe

2. When Will Deadpool Meet Gambit?

The Question: With Gambit getting his own movie next year, it's safe to say that he's going to make a huge impact on Fox's Marvel Cinematic Universe. But when, of course, will this lead to the inevitable encounter between himself and Mr. Pool? The Likely Answer: Well, there are a few possibilities here. Deadpool could certainly cameo in Gambit, or Gambit could cameo in Deadpool 2, or the pair could crossover briefly in a future X-Men film, though the aforementioned problems with putting Deadpool in an X-Men movie would likely nix this. Gambit playing a brief part in Deadpool 2 seems the most sensible option, if only because Tatum has proven with the Jump Street movies how hilarious he can be in the R-rated arena, and to hear him and Deadpool swapping ridiculous banter is pretty much a fanboy's dream come true.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.