Deadpool: 10 Biggest Questions For The X-Men Universe

9. Which Version Of Colossus Will Become Canon?

The Question: With Deadpool interacting with his own version of Colossus who a) looks a little different in appearance to the one from previous X-Men movies and b) appears to be permanently made of metal, fans are wondering which version will become canonical considering that these stories are all supposedly taking place within the same universe. The Likely Answer: Considering that Colossus has been only a minor part of the Bryan Singer X-Men plot, and much of his interactions (namely his brutal death) have in fact been re-configured by Days of Future Past's reboot, it would make sense that, whenever the character next appears in an X-Men film, he assumes the look and voice that's been so carefully cultivated in Deadpool. Considering that this film actually took the effort to develop the big guy as a character, it follows that all that effort actually pays off and becomes the "definitive" cinematic iteration of the character moving forward.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.