Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

35. Blade 2's Midnight Screening

When a leather-clad Ajax and Angel Dust turn up at Sister Margaret's to menace Weasel, he quips that they should get to their midnight screening of Blade 2, a cheeky jab at the early superhero genre's obsession with tight-fitting costumes (something even the original X-Men did). Although why they didn't choose to reference the Reynolds-starring Blade: Trinity instead I've no idea.

34. Stan Lee Cameo #24

OBVIOUS CLAXON! Stan Lee has a cameo in Deadpool (one that was actually revealed way back in the SDCC footage) - he's the announcer in the strip club where Vanessa ends up working, doling out such classics as "You can’t buy love, but you can rent it for three minutes", because apparently all of the great creator's bit-parts now need to tie into him being a massive horn dog.

33. "Go Get Her Tiger"

When Deadpool tries to locate Vanessa at the strip club, Weasel becomes, for lack of a better word, distracted. Before his buddy heads outside to find his lost love, though, the bar owner does give him some encouragement; "Go get her tiger", a shout-out to Mary Jane's long-used catchphrase.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.