Deadpool 2: 102 Easter Eggs, Gags & References Explained

6, The Wizard Of Oz

Wizard of Oz Judy Garland

And another cartoon in the credits has a joke calling Colossus Tin-Man in obvious reference to the classic Wizard Of Oz character.

5. Star Wars (Again)

star wars video games
Disney/CDPR/Microsoft/Deep Silver/Square Enix

And the final cartoon credits gag refers to one of the characters with the slogan "The X-Force is strong with this one."

4. Stranger Things

Stranger Things Eleven Punk

In the mid-credits scene, we see Negasonic Teeange Warhead and Yukio working on Cable's time travel device to allow him to travel back in time and "fix the timeline". Instead of being thankful, Deadpool calls NTW "Eleven" in reference to Stranger Things' best character.


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