Deadpool 2: 8 Lessons It Must Learn From The Original Film

2. Go Easy On The Dated Gags/References

One of the weirdest things about Deadpool, perhaps, is the way in which it utilises a bunch of jokes and references that made it feel like a film from, oh, the mid-nineties. Seriously: there are jokes about Sinead O'Connor (two of them, in fact), Limp Bizkit and Rosie O'Donnell (a woman who hasn't been culturally relevant for over a decade). Like, what's going on with that? Worst still, whenever these moments occur, the movie starts to feel a little awkward and the humour is sucked out. Luckily, another, better joke isn't usually far off, but who the hell approved the dated references for this film? Deadpool 2 need to ensure that its gags aren't out of a time capsule from 1997; if the sequel is going to reference stuff from the past (and it most certainly will), said references have to at least be about things that everybody still knows and cares for (Star Wars is fine, Alien 3... well, it's a push). When you're making a movie for an audience in 2016, surely it's possible to do a little better than lame Rosie O'Donnell gags?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.