Deadpool 2: 9 Most Likely Secret Cameos

9. X-23

Logan Trailer Laura
20th Century Fox

One of the worst possible travesties of the Disney deal with Fox is the idea that we won't get to see the potential X-23 spin-off movie that could follow in the same universe as the exceptional Logan. And frankly, if Fox and Disney are smart, they'll plough on with the character in some way, even if that's not giving her her own movie.

Dafne Keen's performance as Laura was a revelation and there's a clear path for her to return as the "new Wolverine" (even if that means borrowing a time travel conceit and dropping her into another timeline entirely), not least because it would delight fans of Logan.

So why not have her turn up in Deadpool? This is a comic boo movie that doesn't NEED to stick to the rules and consciously sticking two fingers up at the rulebook by ignoring Fox's convoluted timeline and having Deadpool joke about it in the process would work wonderfully. And if it gives us more X-23, what's the problem?


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