Deadpool 2: Every Death Ranked Worst To Best

13. Vanessa

Deadpool 2 Vanessa
20th Century Fox

Cause of Death: Shot.

The movie kicks off with its most disappointing major death, as moments after Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) informs Wade that she's off birth control and ready to start a family, gangsters break into their home. A fight ensues, and Deadpool throws a knife at one of the assailants, causing them to accidentally fire a bullet into Vanessa, killing her.

Many fans had predicted Vanessa's death considering how little she's in the movie's trailers alongside her commitments to Gotham, and though she is resurrected at the end of the movie thanks to time travel, it was still frustrating to see her sidelined for almost the entire movie.

Considering Vanessa didn't exactly get the strongest showing in the first film - being relegated to a damsel-in-distress role by act three - it felt like a hugely missed opportunity to fridge her for 90% of the sequel. After all this, she desperately needs to become Copycat in Deadpool 3.

Though Vanessa's temporary demise set Deadpool on his path for the rest of the film, it was still the most simplistic and formulaic way to get the movie going.

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Deadpool 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.