Deadpool 2: Every Death Ranked Worst To Best

7. The Orphanage Headmaster

Deadpool 2 Eddie Marsan

Cause of Death: Hit by a car.

Terrific character actor Eddie Marsan makes a brief but pivotal appearance in Deadpool 2 as the abusive headmaster of the orphanage where Russell is being held.

Though Deadpool actually manages to convince Russell not to incinerate the creep at the end of the movie, his effort was ultimately for nothing, as once the guy starts ranting and raving once again, he's fatally hit by a taxi driven by Dopinder (Karan Soni).

It's a fantastically unexpected payoff to the running gag throughout the movie that Dopinder wants to be a blood-thirsty murderer like Deadpool, and after countless false starts throughout the film - such as Peter being recruited for the X-Force but not him - he finally get his glorious time to shine.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.