Deadpool 2: Every Major Character's Best Moment

3. Vanessa's Afterlife Reunion With Wade

Deadpool 2 Vanessa
20th Century Fox

Vanessa is disappointingly killed off in the movie's pre-title sequence, but she does reappear several times in the "afterlife" whenever Deadpool is momentarily killed.

She makes her most substantial appearance when Deadpool appears to die "for real", and the two have a moving reunion - with Wade being scar-free to boot - set to an unexpectedly heartfelt acoustic version of A-ha's pop classic ,"Take On Me."

Wade seems relieved to finally be back with Vanessa, even in death, but she again rejects his desire to stay, telling him, "There's a time for us, it's just not now."

As Cable travels back through time to save Deadpool's life, Vanessa implores Wade to join his "family", the X-Force, but not before they share a passionate embrace.

Whether or not you buy into Deadpool 2's unexpected attempt at emotion, Baccarin knocks it out of the park with her performance, and it's just a damn shame she wasn't in the movie more. At least her death was undone in the mid-credits scene, so fingers crossed she'll get a stronger showing in the next film.

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Deadpool 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.